1. バングラデッシュ発旅行
  2. オプショナルツアー
  3. 東京オプショナルツアー一覧
  4. Adachi Fish Market Walking Tour

Adachi Fish Market Walking Tour


最小催行人数 1人
出発地 東京(日本)
運行事業者 Omakase Tour


Adachi Fish Market Walking Tour

料金プラン/コード 料金
  • Price per person
  • TYO1408P01C02
  • Adult(2 persons or more)  : BDT 6,557
  • Children(Age 7 -12) : BDT 3,279
  • Adult(1 person)  : BDT 9,015
    所要時間 4時間 子供参加 催行日情報
    食事 開始時間帯 午前 送迎 送迎なし


    8:00 Meeting at Senjuohashi Station
    Visit Adachi Fish Market
    15min train ride Shibamata station
    Walk through the old-fashioned main street
    Visit the Buddhist shrine Shibamata Taishakuten
    Visit Yamamototei
    approx 12:00 Enjoy the view from the Edogawa river bank, end of tour


    当該ツアー・イベント催行日8日前より 代金の 20 %
    当該ツアー・イベント催行日1日前より 代金の 50 %
    当該ツアー・イベント催行日以降 代金の 100 %


    1. It is possible to make some adjustments to the itinerary according to your wishes.
    2. Yamamototei is closed on the third Tuesday of the month (except when that day is a public holiday, in which cases it is closed the next non-holiday weekday) and also the third Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of December.
    3. Please participate with easy to walk in shoes.
