Adachi Fish Market Walking Tour

This is a walking tour around Senju and Shibamata, where the atmosphere of old-town Tokyo is still going strong!
Visit Adachi Market (Senju Market), a local fish market that is famous for its at-home atmosphere and friendly store clerks. The old-fashioned main street will bring the feeling of old Tokyo closer.
In addition to the fish market, the Buddhist shrine Shibamata Taishakuten with its beautiful carved wood statues will be visited, as well as Yamamototei, a two-story building that combines western and Japanese architecture.
The end of the tour will lead you to the Edogawa riverbanks, from where you can see the distant Tokyo Sky Tree, and the contrast between the old and modern town.


  • 最小催行人数 : 


  • 出発地 : 


  • 企画・実施会社 : 

    Omakase Tour


  • Adachi Fish Market Walking Tour


    Price per person


    • Adult(2 persons or more)  :

      USD 82

    • Children(Age 7 -12) :

      USD 41

    • Adult(1 person)  :

      USD 112


    所要時間 4時間 子供参加
    催行日情報 食事
    時間帯 午前
    送迎 送迎なし


8:00 Meeting at Senjuohashi Station
Visit Adachi Fish Market
15min train ride Shibamata station
Walk through the old-fashioned main street
Visit the Buddhist shrine Shibamata Taishakuten
Visit Yamamototei
approx 12:00 Enjoy the view from the Edogawa river bank, end of tour


当該ツアー・イベント催行日8日前より 代金の 20 %
当該ツアー・イベント催行日1日前より 代金の 50 %
当該ツアー・イベント催行日以降 代金の 100 %


1. It is possible to make some adjustments to the itinerary according to your wishes.
2. Yamamototei is closed on the third Tuesday of the month (except when that day is a public holiday, in which cases it is closed the next non-holiday weekday) and also the third Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of December.
3. Please participate with easy to walk in shoes.
