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FAQ : Cancellations & changes

Can I change my booking?
You cannot change: flight, accommodation, passenger name. You can cancel your booking after making a new booking. Note that you will be charged cancellation fee, you may not be able to book the desired flight or accommodation, The price we offer is most up to dated. Depending on the time of booking the price of the service may differ. page to top
How do I cancel my booking?
Go to My Page, and choose Cancellation. You can cancel your booking a day before your departure. If you cancel your travel on departure day, call the store you used. Cancellation after payment requires a cancellation fee. (60% for cancellation made before departure time of your departure flight, 100% for cancellation made after departure time of your departure flight) page to top
How many days in advance and how much will you charge cancellation fee?
We require 60% of cancellation fee for cancellation made before departure time of your departure flight, and 100% of cancellation fee for cancellation made after departure time of your departure flight. page to top
How can I change the number of passenger for my booking?
You cannot change the number of people after booking completed. Make a new booking and cancel the original one. Cancellation after payment requires a cancellation fee. (60% for cancellation made before departure time of your departure flight, 100% for cancellation made after departure time of your departure flight) page to top
Can I change the name of the passenger?
You cannot change the name of passenger. Make another booking under name of person who will be using the service. page to top
Can I change flight on the date of departure?
You cannot change because it is a package tour. You can only take the booked flight. Even if you missed one leg of your flight, the other leg(s) will not be refunded. page to top
During the travel, can I extend the stay or change return flight?
You cannot change your booking. Only booked flight and hotel are available. Even if you did not use part of the service it will not be refunded. page to top
How can I add a passenger in my reservation?
You cannot change or add anything once booking is confirmed. Make a new booking if you would like to add a passenger. Do not try to change the first booking. Note that flight and accommodation is subject to availability. Your second booking will be considered as a different group. page to top